YMCA Youth Take Initiative (YTI)
YMCA Youth Take Initiative (YTI)
Youth Take Initiative (YTI) is a program that aims to foster fruitful connections between non- profit organizations and eager volunteers. Beyond traditional placements, YTI coordinators will provide young persons with evidence-based workshops that will enable youth to explore their interests and develop the necessary skills required to succeed in their career and personal lives.
The intention behind the Youth Take Initiative (YTI) Program is that young persons will attain personally-relevant life and employment skills, cultivate community-based opportunities, and be able to present organizations with a legacy project – showcasing what the young person has learned during their time with the nonprofit, how they have contributed to their community, and what they hope to leave behind.
The YTI team believes that empowering youth by providing them with meaningful skill training, mentorship-centered relationships, and exposure to local opportunities will inspire them to continue being active contributors within their communities.
We are excited to be able to extend an invitation to you to join our initiative!
Who is it for?
Anyone ages 15-30 years old who is looking for:
Volunteer experience, mentorship, and networking opportunities
Exposure to evidence-based and enhanced work-life skills
Meaningful and active involvement within their communities
Safe spaces to explore personal and/ or career interests
Where and when?
Participants will volunteer at a local nonprofit in the community
They will complete a legacy project to be given to the organization
Participants will be expected to commit 5-6 hours per week to YTI
Minimum of 4hrs should be spent volunteering at the local nonprofit
One-on-one meetings with the area coordinator will take place for 1hr each week
A peer-centered meeting will be held once per week with the cohort
The First month:
Participants will get to know their local YTI coordinator
Orientation, peer connection, and team building with cohort
20 hours total of workshop-based trainings which will include:
Communication Techniques
Personal, Leadership & Career Foundations
Wellbeing Workshops
Financial Planning
Resume and Cover Letter Tips (and more!)
Completion of nonprofit specific requirements:
Criminal Record and Vulnerable Sector Checks
Orientation and Trainings
Benefits for Youth
Completion of volunteer hours required for high school graduation
Exposure to in-depth career-enhancing, education-based workshops
Opportunities to network and form long-term mentorships
Potential future job prospects
Renewed sense of self and appreciation for others’
Financial aid for transportation for program-related obligations
Adaptive equipment provided for those with disabilities
Personalized completion certificate
Year-end celebration with cohort
Benefits for Organizations
Enrich the lives of passionate and committed youth in your community
Expansion of networks
Newly found discussion, recognition and awareness of the nonprofit
Gain valuable and consistent volunteers
Availability of supports from your local YTI coordinator
Gifted a legacy project that signifies the positive impact of the nonprofit
Interested in Getting Involved or have more questions?
Scan the QR code below or visit our website at Youth Take Initiative | YMCA BC