2nd Annual BC EggFest hosted by Grand Pappy's Home Furniture & Appliances

BC EggFest hosted by
Grand Pappy's Home Furniture & Appliances

BC EggFest is a BBQ Food Festival hosted by Grand Pappy's Home Furniture & Appliances.
The BC EggFest is a gathering of Big Green Egg BBQ fans & experienced cooks from around the province.
The "Cooks" will be showcasing their skills and talents, while preparing and demonstrating their specialty recipes all day long for the "Tasters" to enjoy!  
Whether you have a Big Green Egg or not, anyone with an appetite and a love for GREAT BBQ is invited to come out and "Taste" what our Cooks have in store!

BC Egg Fest Schedule of Events:

9:00 - 10:00 AM - Cooks sign in and set up
11:00 AM - Taster Sign In Opens & Axe Throwing Experience begins! 
11:00 AM - Let the BC Egg Fest begin!!!   Food will be available all day. Just wander from egg to egg to sample foods and discuss recipes and techniques with the cooks. After the conclusion of the Eggfest, some of the recipes from the cooks will be posted on the website below for free download.
3:00 PM - Eggs will be shut down to allow for sufficient cooling time
3:30 PM - Raffle draw
4:00 - 5:00 PM - Pick up Demo Eggs - All eggs MUST be picked up by 5:00 PM!

Learn more here:


Forever Beautiful Real


Forever Beautiful Real

Forever Beautiful Real is a legacy page created for Dana Louise O’Dell by her three, as she liked to call us, Goddesses (Daughter Leah/ daughter in laws Chelsea & Sara). Dana had so much left unsaid in this world, and it is our goal to carry on with her work. For those who may not have had the blessing of Dana in their life, she was a mentor, life coach, writer, artist, mother, nana and badass red-haired goddess. She lost her battle with cancer, Christmas of 2016. 

Dana had a blog, website, novel, and inspirational mantra cards in the works at the time of her passing. It’s our mission to finish what she started, and get her beautiful real words out into the Universe. Dana’s Get Back Up Deck of Feisty Mantra Cards is available for purchase through our facebook page or at The Book Man. The money raised will go directly towards publishing Dana’s book, The Beautiful Real : A Navigation Manual for Dark Times.

Dana’s Goddess, Chelsea started a sister page as well called Feather and Rose Support Bags. A non-profit community service, which provides support bags and care packages for patients undergoing treatments, such as chemo, radiation and more. Just like Dana anonymously did, during her two years of chemotherapy.



This Saturday (May 5th, 2018) Forever Beautiful Real and Feather & Rose will be hosting a garage sale to raise funds to fill cancer support bags, for cancer Warriors in the community. Find us on the corner of Evans and Stevenson from 8:30 to 1:30. Refreshments provided by donation. 

Cowork Chilliwack - Expansion Celebration

Cowork Chilliwack - Expansion Celebration

It was an exciting evening for Chilliwack as Cowork Chilliwack held its Expansion Celebration.

Cowork Chilliwack is an excellent place for a growing creative economy in Chilliwack. Offering varying office spaces for rent, from Hot Desks to different office sizes and even mailing address memberships (see their rates and offers here).

The evening was put on by the Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce and offered a great chance for networking over drinks, tours of the facility and a few bites to eat too.

If you're looking for a simple office space to rent, or just a chair and desk to get you out of your home office, Cowork Chilliwack is for you. You can even give them a test run for free on the first Friday of each month. Check their website for more details. 

Chilliwack Blueberries

Klaassen Farms is a locally owned family farm located at 51211 Chilliwack Central Road. From frozen to fresh at Chilliwack blueberries we hope that you will love our berries as much as we do. Visit us online at www.chilliwackblueberries.com for recipes and pick-up locations.


TEDxChilliwack 2018

TEDxChilliwack is an independently organized local group comprised of passionate volunteers who are dedicated to ideas worth spreading. The third TEDxChilliwack event will take place on April 14, 2018 at G. W. Graham Theatre. 

Imagine Chilliwack’s most fascinating and engaging speakers, with new, big ideas, coming together for one day to share their passions and their visions for the world. We are home to extraordinary ideas and remarkable people and TEDxChilliwack looks forward to showcasing this brilliance and helping to enable these great ideas to be put into action.

The theme of TEDxChilliwack 2018 is Time to Reboot. The event will bring forward a wide range of topics, issues and areas to explore.

For more info: https://www.tedxchilliwack.com