Valley Waste & Recycling


Valley Waste & Recycling

For 20+ years Valley Waste & Recycling has been taking care of Chilliwack and throughout the Fraser Valley. Their entire fleet of trucks are available for waste and septic removal, as well as recycling, Hydro Vac, portable toilet rentals, roll off container rentals and more.

Family owned and run, Valley works hard to keep their fleet, staff and services above all else in the Fraser Valley. What started out once as a single garbage truck risk of an investment snowballed into a valley wide service that’s proven to work well with cities and private waste and recycling needs.

Having worked with Valley Waste & Recycling ourselves, we know how easy they are to work with for bathroom needs at events and locations. They are incredibly professional, quick to setup and have impeccably clean portable toilets for your event guests.

Spring Projects

With the spring well upon us maybe you need to get your septic tank pumped or have need for a container or garbage bin placed outside your property to make your spring renovations that much easier.

Check out their website:

Or give them a call:

From the website:
We are a family-owned waste management company that has been serving the Fraser Valley for over 20 years. We pride ourselves in keeping the streets clean, providing excellent customer service, and supporting the communities we serve.

We offer a variety of services and are the most trusted provider for garbage disposal & recycling, roll off container, curb side pickup, septic tank, hydrovac and portable toilet services in the Fraser Valley. We are committed to safely providing quality services to our customers in a manner that ensures a safe and healthy work environment for our employees and customers.

Himalaya: A Film Festival

Himalaya: A Film Festival

Himalaya is a series of five films by four different filmmakers about the Himalayas, the land and its people. With stunning footage and breathtaking scenery, viewers will intimately experience how a small, local charity is helping transform lives and make a massive impact. 

Join them on April 30 for this unique and exciting drive-in film festival, Himalaya.

To review their full Drive-in COVID-19 Protocol and Tips, click here.

Friday, April 30th | Yarrow Community Centre, Yarrow, BC | 8:30pm + 10:30pm showings

From their website:
As Himalayan Life, we exist to holistically enhance the lives of children and youth in the Himalayas, with particular focus on those who lack basic socio-economic structures.

Tickets for Yarrow showings on sale now.
Purchase tickets early, as there max 50 car spots at each show. The first 10 cars to register will receive a swag bag!

You can buy tickets here:

Check out more about the festival here:

Wagging Tails and Happy Trails


Wagging Tails and Happy Trails

For some time we’ve been watching Wagging Tails and Happy Trails, they are a dog walking company that’s located here in Chilliwack. We love seeing which dogs they’re walking and actually have a few favourite dogs we like to watch (don’t tell anyone!).

We reached out to Wagging Tails and Happy Trails and got to meet up with Amber, the owner, at Vedder River Park for a quick photo shoot and to meet one of their happy four legged clients: Ellie.

Amber has been running her dog walking company for 2 years and has enjoyed walking dogs all around Chilliwack. She was working at Clancy’s and walking dogs on the side. She realized quickly how busy she could be with walking dogs. She quit her job, laced up her shoes and got walking some amazing canines.

Amber herself is a half marathon runner, has hiked most of our local mountains and has done the Juan de Fuca and West Coast Trails. Being able to be outside, walk and hang out with dogs is her idea of a dream job.

She’s currently walking 10 dogs and has very limited space for more and charges $25 for an hour and $15 for 30 minutes. She has her dog first aid certificate and is fully insured to protect your pet, any other dogs encountered on a walk and your home. Most of her clients are owned by first responders and she takes great pride in posting updates of who she is walking, even dressing up them up for special holidays like St. Patrick’s Day which just past.

It was such a pleasure to meet up with Amber and hear how her passions and work have combined. If you’re looking for someone to check in on your dog and take them for a walk, connect with Amber (see below) and see if maybe she can help you out.

Dog Walking Tips from the Professional:
1. Let your dog sniff around, it is great mental stimulation for them.

2. ALWAYS pick up your dogs poop!! We all want to share the beautiful spaces that Chilliwack has to offer.

3. Make sure you have water for your dog. Especially in the summer. Don’t walk your dog after 26-28°. It’s too hot for dogs. I just do home visits and potty breaks with mind stimulation toys for those times.

4. Check the pavement temperature before setting out in the summer and avoid salt on the sidewalks in winter!

5. Ask before approaching other dogs. Not all dogs want to say hi and we have to respect their space.

6. Bring along high value( treats your dog goes crazy for) to keep their attention when they get distracted on walks. Last but the most important.

7. Always have identification on your dog in case they go on their own adventure.

Chilliwack Chamber Membership Benefits

Chilliwack Chamber Membership Benefits

A number of years ago we became a part of the Chilliwack Chamber for a couple of reasons.
We wanted to be part of the local economy and connect with fellow entrepreneurs and network and collaborate on projects and ideas. PLUS we wanted to have access to the benefits and group insurance plan. With a growing family that inevitably would need eye glasses, prescriptions and regular dental checkups, we wanted to have some sort of help and support you’d normally get from working under a bigger company.

Nearly 10 years later and we’re still thrilled to be a part of the Chamber and the benefits we have access to. Some of those benefits include a discount on your gas/diesel purchases AND the Whistler 48 hour club, where you can get a flat rate on condo’s in 13 different resorts in Whistler with 48 hours notice.

We loved being able to work with the Chamber on this recent video to highlight a few of the benefits you can access from being a Chamber member and were even more excited to highlight some of the local businesses you can access, including: Thrive Collective, Reclaimed Massage Therapy, Optimum Sport & Health Centre, and Iris Optometrists and Opticians. Check it out below:

Learn about a few of the benefits of being a Chamber member.

From the Chamber website:
”The Chilliwack Chamber of Commerce offers a suite of benefits for our membership to help Chilliwack companies and entrepreneurs lower their day-to-day business costs. Benefits enable our membership to access preferential rates on key business services including group insurance, email marketing, merchant services, travel, gasoline, office supplies and training.”

You can check out more of the benefits of being a Chamber member here:

Social Media Tips for Small Business - Chilliwack Small Business

Social Media Tips for Small Business - Chilliwack Small Business


We’ve learned a few things about helping small businesses on social media and put together 5 simple tips for you to check out.

1. Authentic
The biggest thing first: be yourself. Find your voice and share it. If you’re not willing to be yourself, people will see right through you.

2. Consistent
Be consistent in your postings. Find a time/day that works for you and stick with it. For some people that’s daily or twice daily and for others that’s weekly. Whatever it is, stick with it.

3. Theme
Find a look and feel that works for you. Find something that matches with your voice and your look. Something that can remain consistent throughout your posts and…

4. Create & Deliver
When you make your content, think of the previous items.
One of the other things we recommend is batching your content. Instead of thinking about one single post, create enough content in one session for an entire week or even a month. Make it worth your time.

5. Recycle
Too many people assume you need to create fresh new content for every single post. Don’t be afraid of reusing something. A lot of times our content doesn’t get seen by everyone because of the algorithms. Recycle your content but maybe add a week to it. Adjust your write-up or make it a single photo or group of photos.

The one thing we didn’t add in this was engagement. If you’re hopping on social media than we assume you are wanting to engage & connect. It could be tip 6 maybe but 🤷‍♂️

We love you Chilliwack! Keep being awesome.

Gifts for Him That He'll Love - Local Gift Ideas to Buy Him for Christmas


Gifts for Him That He'll Love - Local Gift Ideas to Buy Him for Christmas

Shopping for him for Christmas isn’t the easiest task. Wouldn't it be easier if he just let you know what he wanted?! Instead you’re left guessing, but we’re here to help you out! PLUS, we’ve got ideas from some great local stores.

Be sure to check out our Mom’s Gift Guide too!

Be sure to check out our Teacher’s Gift Guide too!

Buy something off this list for him and we know he’ll love it! Maybe even combine a few things from a few different stores! Remember to buy local and support our community. Merry Christmas!

GP Home Furniture - Cocktail Kit
Visit Them Online

Major League 2 Taphouse & Sports Bar - Gift Card
Visit Them Online

Cheam Mountain Golf Course - Green Fee Card, Driving Range Card and Golf Balls
Visit Them Online

The Town Butcher - Custom Cut Ribeye Steak
Visit Them Online

Gifts for Mom That Don't Suck - Local Gift Ideas to But Mom for Christmas


Gifts for Mom That Don't Suck - Local Gift Ideas to But Mom for Christmas

Shopping for Mom for Christmas can be tough some times. We know she’ll love whatever you get her BUT in reality she would like something nice, something thoughtful.

We’re here to help you out.

Be sure to check out our Teacher’s Gift Guide too!

Buy something off this list for Mom and we know she’ll love it! Maybe even combine a few things from a few different stores! Remember to buy local and support our community. Merry Christmas!

Button Box - Unique Earrings & Wine Glasses
Visit Them Online

Creekside Home Decor - Warm Cozy Scarf
Visit Them Online

PickEco Refills - Natural Soaps & Bathroom Supplies
Visit Them Online

GP Home Furniture - Nest Chair & Custom Engraved Yeti
Visit Them Online

Blossom Floral Design - Tropical House Plants & Pots
Visit Them Online

Winks Home - Goat Leather Bags & Inspirational Signs
Visit Them Online

Holiday Gift Guide - What To Buy Teachers

Holiday Gift Guide - What To Buy Teachers

We’re not far away from the kids going on Christmas break and we know parents will be looking for gifts to buy teachers as a little thank you. To be honest, teachers this year probably deserve a Christmas gift more than ever!

Below you’ll find some great gift ideas to buy teachers, plenty of them $20 or less and they’re all from local shops and some you can order online!

Button Box - Candy & Champagne Treats
Visit Them Online

PickEco Refills - Bracelets & Soaps
Visit Them Online

GP Home Furniture - Bars/Scrubs & Yeti Cups (that you can get personally engraved)
Visit Them Online

Creekside Home Decor - Teacher Tree Ornament
Visit Them Online

Blossom Floral Design - Sage, Lavender and Crystal & Aloe Vera Plant
Visit Them Online

Winks Home - Books & Signs
Visit Them Online


The Reality of Retail - Shopping Around Chilliwack

Showroom at GP Home Furniture

Showroom at GP Home Furniture

The Reality of Retail - Shopping Around Chilliwack

Let’s take a moment to talk about what it takes to run a retail store in a small community.

Running a retail store is not easy. There are great times where you can’t keep a certain product on the shelf as it sells out so fast, or that a sale seems to hit people just right where they come buy from you, but in reality, retail is hard.

We wanted to take a few moments to share a few things about retail that you might not know and may help you see things a little differently the next time you stop into a local business.

Blossom Floral Designs Shop

Blossom Floral Designs Shop

Local business owners run their business because they have a passion for what they do.

The Price of Markups
People often get caught up on what the markup on items are. They will see a product marked up by 100% or 50% and will focus on trying to get the retailer to sell the product at a cheaper rate, but there is a lot that isn’t seen.

People don’t see the cost of freight and shipping. For anything that’s brought in from out of country, there’s the cost of bringing it across the border, plus the cost of the company to ship it from the supplier. Those costs need to be recovered in the cost of the product which leads to the markup.

What you might not see as well, is that the markup needs to include the cost of inventory. You can mark up an item 50%, but part of that markup is to cover the cost of the inventory that stays in stock and doesn’t sell. If a product is in stock and not selling, money isn’t coming in. The markups need to cover that loss. The reality is that the store will not sell every piece of product, and markups are created to reflect that.

Most retailers don’t own their own building either. The cost of their lease, plus turning lights on, air conditioning, free WiFi for their guests, and a plethora of other costs are factored into that markup. It’s not a markup to gouge you, but a markup to run their business and hopefully, at the end of the day, have some kind of profit to say they’ve made at least a little money.

If you were to take a local business owners total time spent working and the amount of money they make in a year and average it out, we can almost guarantee that you’d be shocked at how little it works out to be. Local business owners run their business because they have a passion for what they do, employees to care for, and ultimately, the customers that they serve.

Fundraisers, Donations and Handouts

Local businesses are often looked at for donations to various fundraisers in the community. From Girl Guides, sports teams, community organizations and more, local retailers are looked to for help from cash and prize donations. Get to know a local business owner and you’ll quickly find out how often people come into their establishment asking for handouts.

Pro Shop at Cheam Mountain Golf Course

Pro Shop at Cheam Mountain Golf Course

These businesses don’t have those items simply sitting around at no cost to them. Those donations are given out from the small profits they’ve made on the mark-ups mentioned above. Retailers aren’t given big pay checks or unlimited items from suppliers to give away to fundraisers. Retailers, our local businesses, are giving out of their own pockets because they care about the community they live in. They believe in the causes that make this community great.

You don’t get to see the late nights a retailer has put into problem solving or perfecting the product they put on the shelf the next morning.

The Unknown Costs

Beyond markups, supply costs and everything else, what people never see is the amount of time, knowledge, research, failures and successes a local retailer has put into their store. You don’t get to see the late nights a retailer has put into problem solving or perfecting the product they put on the shelf the next morning, or the hours, days or years that they’ve put into learning everything about a certain product field and discovering which product is the best to put on their shelf and in your hands, and why and how it works for their store. They don’t show the little things, like making private deliveries for a customer that needs some extra help, or a quiet donation to a cause that’s having difficulty covering basic costs.

Local retailers are in business for more than profit. Yes, they are making a living, but they are also providing employment and economic growth in our community. The money they make and the employees they pay in turn buy/rent homes in town, they shop at local stores, play local sports, visit local restaurants and more. The money they bring into their store is to keep this community healthy and strong. It’s the backbone of this community.

The cost of running a retail store in a small community is high but the reward is so much greater. Next time you’re in a local retail business, try to see things through their lens and maybe say thanks for the hard work they’ve done to be here. We need them a lot more than we know.

The Book Man Downtown

The Book Man Downtown

Boomerang Five - Chilliwack Cultural Centre

Boomerang Five - Chilliwack Cultural Centre

Boomerang Five - Chilliwack Cultural Centre

Local music talent shines in a magnificent concert!

Shining the spotlight on musicians once again, Boomerang returns to Chilliwack with three fantastic bands! On November 21, Sarah Wills will head a lineup of musicians that will fill the theatre with fantastic jazz and even some rock and roll. Seats are limited due to social distancing protocols, so get your tickets soon so you can experience a stellar lineup of musicians.         

"The concert should be a wonderfully relaxing night filled with jazz of all sorts and some acoustic rock. We have three sets that showcase acoustic rock, gypsy jazz, and then classic jazz combos of swings and sorts,” explains Sarah Wills. “All the musicians in it are people I've played with or have been fellow music acquaintances with, and I'm happy I get to play with some of them again. The journey of getting this concert together has been a big roller-coaster, but the people that have been working on this concert with me have made that process a breeze so we can create a great night of music and R&R when it's needed most!"

"The bands we have playing consist of traditional jazz, gypsy jazz, and acoustic rock. Gypsy is special because it doesn't have drums; it has guitar and bass acting as a steady rhythm section to allow the violinist to shine and showcases everyone in varying gypsy jazz styles from slow ballads to fast swing. I've invited local rising rock band Tayos to come to play an acoustic set that will sound amazing as they have always put on great shows in the past. Finally, we have trad jazz, which is what we are opening with, classic jazz."

These astonishing talents will tell their own stories through their range of alternative, folk, and country music. Each with their unique take, these performers are sure to inspire anyone interested in producing their art or anyone who wants to see what incredible talent can be found locally. Whether you are looking for a fun evening out or want to come out and support the local music scene, Boomerang is the place to be!

Boomerang Five is coming to the Chilliwack Cultural Centre on November 21, 2020 at 7:00 pm. For more information, call the Centre Box Office 604-391-SHOW(7469).

Chilliwack Agriculture - The Heart of our Community

Chilliwack Agriculture - The Heart of our Community

Check out the farms we recently had an opportunity to film as part of the virtual Agricultural Tour with Chilliwack Economic Partners Corporation this year:

The first stop on the tour is Brightside Eggs, a family-owned and operated poultry farm committed to sustainable and humane farming practices, animal care and animal health. These 3rd generation farmers are passionate about producing food for local families.

“Farming is like any job, except you punch in at age 5, and you never punch out” Heritage Farms is a family farm that raises Canadian grass-fed and grain-finished beef and also offers certified organic, free-range eggs. The Garcia family takes pride in teaching their children respect for the animals and the value of hard work, and in providing the highest quality beef that is ethically and sustainably raised.

The third stop on our tour is Bredenhof Hop Farms and R & T Poultry. Raymond and Tracey Bredenhof started their poultry farm with 5,000 birds and have expanded to 250,000 birds per year. They branched out to grow hops about 5 years ago and are now one of the largest hop growers in the region – and they do all their own processing and distribution as well!

The fourth stop on our tour is Sparkes Corn Barn, which is owned and operated by Ian Sparkes and family. Sparkes sweet corn is grown locally in Chilliwack. To maintain freshness and optimum maturity, Sparkes does a planting every few days so there is corn ripening throughout the season. The corn is picked fresh daily and delivered directly from the fields to the convenient drive-thru stands, ensuring it is ripe, fresh, and full of flavour. And, Sparkes only grows non-GMO product!

The fifth and final stop on our tour is Golden Oak Acres, a family-owned and operated farm in Chilliwack that recently transitioned from poultry to dairy farming. Chris Kloot, dairy farmer and City of Chilliwack Councillor, is passionate about supporting Canadian farmers and protecting our food sovereignty. Watch to hear why Chris loves Chilliwack agriculture.

Check out our new highlight reel from the last three years of tours before this year.

Creative Shift, powered by PechaKucha Live Stream Replay

Creative Shift, powered by PechaKucha

The Chilliwack Creative Commission put together the 6th annual PechaKucha event. This event has been a way to connect the community to undercurrent of the creative work that’s being done in Chilliwack.

The PechaKucha style of presentation allows the speaker 20 slides/images that lasts 20 seconds each. It keeps the event fast paced and interesting.

We had the pleasure of taking photos of this year’s online event while it was hosted from the incredible studio at Cowork Chilliwack.

Learn about the untold stories of Chilliwack's creative economy. The 6th annual PechaKucha event was held online this year and featured local speakers each with a unique story to tell delivered in a very unique format.

Local musician Ted Kim shines in a passionate concert!

Local musician Ted Kim shines in a passionate concert!


Live local music returns to the stage as Boomerang Four shines the spotlight on incredibly musicians right from your own backyard. Ted Kim of Dear Father will head a lineup of musicians that will push boundaries and give you an evening out you won’t soon forget. Seats are limited due to social distancing protocols, so get your tickets soon so you can experience a stellar lineup of musicians as they kick off the return of the series with a spectacular mix of alternative folk and rock and roll!

Chilliwack musician Ted Kim has performed at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre in the past as part of Boomerang Three, and this time he’s taken on the task of organizing an incredible lineup of musicians. The assortment of artists he’s asked to join him is nothing short of spectacular: Anna Ratzlaff and Jason Ratzlaff of Portraits of Us, Cole Prpich, Christa Keats, Dion Weisbrod from The Unbranded, Jeffrey Trainor, Bronsen Rasmussen from Fear The Wolves, and Jonas Wilson. 

“It’s going to be a great night, and I’m very excited to share the stage with some of Chilliwack’s talent!” says Ted Kim. “We’ve come up with a lighting concept that’s kind of a dawn to dusk theme that will match each performer and match their performance. Another great thing about the show that I’m excited about is that it’s not genre-specific. We have artists performing everything from folk to rock and roll!”

“I love working with the artists and the Chilliwack Cultural Centre to put out the next show in the Boomerang series,” Kim continues. “I’ve always found that performing at The Centre is very professional and the staff knows how to set the mood for every show to really bring light to the music and the performances!”

The Boomerang series offers opportunities to local artists to perform in a professional setting, and it’s something that the program lead, Amber Bergeron is passionate about.

“The Boomerang Concert series is funded through our Youth Engagement Program, which aims to give musicians under thirty in our community a chance to create something, and get real hands-on experience performing in a casual, but professional setting,” Amber explains. “We give them the tools, resources, and mentorship they need for a good show, and they take their skills and knowledge to put together a memorable performance. The Idea behind the naming of the series “Boomerang” is a metaphor for all the hard work and creativity that is put into these shows. The effort that goes into what you will see on stage will repay these young musicians with more tools, experience, and knowledge to continue pursuing their art form in the future.  And not only are all of the performers classified as “young” musicians but most of the staff working on these shows, from the marketing team to the lighting and sound technicians, are also young members of the community, honing their craft and gaining experience in the industry.”

These astonishing talents will each tell their own unique stories through their range of alternative, folk and country music. Each with their unique take, these performers are sure to inspire anyone interested in producing their own art, or anyone who wants to see what incredible talent can be found locally. Whether you are looking for a fun evening out, or want to come out and support the local music scene, Boomerang is the place to be!

Boomerang Four is coming to the Chilliwack Cultural Centre on October 17, 2020 at 7:00 pm. For more information, call the Centre Box Office 604-391-SHOW(7469).

Chilliwack Agriculture Tour Highlights

Chilliwack Agriculture Tour Highlights

This time of year we would have normally been on the Chilliwack Agriculture Tour but this year was a lot different. Before we start posting all of the Agriculture Tour videos we made for this year, enjoy a highlight reel from the last three years of tours, and stayed tuned for the VIRTUAL 19th Annual Chilliwack Agriculture Tour, coming soon!

Chris Funk – The Wonderist! at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre

Chris Funk – The Wonderist! at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre


Experience the thrill of live magic and music with Chilliwack’s own Chris Funk – The Wonderist!

 Take astonishing acts of magic, a violin concerto, a guitar loop recorded live on stage, and then add in the delightfully charismatic personality of Chris Funk and you have The Wonderist. On October 9th and 10thChris Funk – The Wonderist will be taking on his first show within Chilliwack since moving here. Seats are limited due to social distancing protocols, so get your tickets soon so you can witness Chris Funk as he baffles audiences with amazing illusions and an engaging multimedia experience that will leave you scratching your head and wondering how he did it. 

Having spent the last fifteen years traveling the world, performing in theatres, cruise ships and on TV, Chris Funk’s talents have earned him worldwide recognition. He has had appearances on NBC’s America’s Got Talent, CW’s Penn & Teller: Fool Us, Masters of Illusionsas well as SyFy’s Wizard Wars. His unique approach to magic has garnered him performances at Las Vegas’ Planet Hollywood, Hollywood’s World-Famous Magic Castle as well as on Disney Cruise Lines. Whether it’s Sri Lanka, Chile, LA, NY, Las Vegas, the middle of the ocean, or the Midwest, Chris’ show has garnered standing ovations and a reputation for excellence.

“I'm so excited about performing at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre for two reasons,” says Chris Funk. “First, now more than ever before, we all need a little wonder and awe in our lives. The entertainment industry has been hit with this massive challenge and it’s had to make so many changes with social distancing. The fact that I can perform my show for a live audience is an amazing feeling! I've modified the show that I've toured to accommodate all the measures we need to take right now to stay safe.”

“The second reason, is that I get to perform in my new hometown. Last year I was on the road 220 days of the year. I didn't get to sleep in my own bed after a show. Always a hotel or a cruise ship room. I'm pumped I get to bring my passion to my home audience!” Chris’ excitement of performing for the first time in Chilliwack since moving here is palpable and promises to be a show you won’t soon forget. “The show will combine my two passions. Magic, and some live music. You'll see some creations that have made appearances on some of the largest television shows in the world, such as America's Got Talent, Fool Us and Masters of Illusion.”

Bold, powerful and delivered with a hilarious comedic flair, Chris has masterfully created a not to be missed show that will leave you mystified.

Chris Funk – The Wonderist is coming to the Chilliwack Cultural Centre on October 9 and 10, 2020 at 7:30 pm. For more information, call the Centre Box Office 604-391-SHOW(7469).

Barney Bentall at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre

Barney Bentall at the Chilliwack Cultural Centre


The Chilliwack Cultural Centre celebrates ten years of entertainment with a live-streamed show starring Barney Bentall not to be missed!

The Chilliwack Cultural Centre is ten years old in October! And what a decade it has been! From the opening gala in 2010 to the spectacular performance by Bria Skonberg last Fall celebrating our 10th Season kicked off, The Centre has truly become the place “Where Art Comes to Life!” And we are ready to celebrate!

For the past decade, the Chilliwack Arts & Cultural Centre Society has brought an incredible selection of shows to the community. Audiences have been entertained in both the HUB International Theatre and the Rotary Hall Studio Theatre with a variety of performances that range from sensational theatre to thrilling music concerts. From outrageous fringe shows to classical and contemporary dance. And from mystifying magic to adventure films and shows for kids. 

As the home of the Chilliwack Academy of Music, the building studios are often overflowing with the sounds of music, adding to the ambience as the Academy grows the music community in our area.

The partnership that is enjoyed with the Chilliwack Players Guild has seen many vibrant productions on the theatre stages over the years, delighting both performers and patrons.

The O’Connor Group Art Gallery, curated by the Chilliwack Visual Artists Association, and located in The Centre, is continually providing a delightful space for the public to come to view incredible, inspiring works of art – free of charge.

Both CSOPA (Chilliwack School of Performing Arts) and the Chilliwack Lions Music & Dance Festival each year have animated the stages with awe-inspiring talent from young performers.

With many more live events than could possibly be listed here, the Chilliwack Arts & Cultural Centre Society overflows with pride at the connection that has been made between artists and the community and will continue to do so once the current crisis has passed.

So let’s celebrate ten years of incredible talent coming to perform in our town with the one of a kind Canadian rock legend Barney Bentall on October 3 commemorating The Chilliwack Cultural Centre’s milestone anniversary in a live-streamed performance that is free for everyone to enjoy!

Canadians first met Barney Bentall in the late ’80s as leader of the Legendary Hearts when MuchMusic embraced an indie video of the heartland anthem “Something to Live For”. A frequent collaborator with Jim Cuddy from Blue Rodeo, Barney’s reputation as a poignant songwriter, has had him join a circle of peers that includes Blue Rodeo, K.D. Lang, The Tragically Hip, Colin James, 54.40, and The Odds. Barney remains very much part of the fabric of Canadian music culture. Bentall has performed at The Centre in the past and is thrilled to help celebrate a decade of live entertainment!

While these are challenging times, the arts are alive, and this celebration of live entertainment is sure to be an evening you won’t soon forget. Join the live stream and spend an incredible evening with Barney Bentall as he sweeps you up into the narrative of his songs with a rich voice that splendidly brings them to life.

While tickets are sold out, this performance is one that the Chilliwack Arts & Cultural Centre Society wants to share with all of you, as the success over the last ten years would not have been possible without the support of the community. Please visit the website for live-streaming information and join the celebration!

Barney Bentall is coming to the Chilliwack Cultural Centre on October 3, 2020 at 7:30 pm. Join the live stream to celebrate! For more information, call the Centre Box Office 604-391-SHOW(7469).

Hair Around Chilliwack - Part 2


Hair Around Chilliwack - Part 2

We are doing a new feature here on Around Chilliwack: highlighting some of the great hair stylists and barbers in our city. You can check out Part 1 here.

Meet Michelle from Hair By Michelle here.

Michelle works out of the Ashley Scissor Hands studio and she’s a breathe of fresh air. Highly stylish and straight to the point; you’ll love getting your hair done by her.

“My name is Michelle and I offer services under Hairby_Michelleetoupin

I have an amazing husband whom I’ve been with for 11 years, whom has helped to support me in creating my own thriving business. When I’m not in the studio, I spend time with my horse, Ella, as she is my heart, my adventure and my zen. I have been passionate about hair since my early years, but didn’t pursue that passion until my late twenties. I am drawn to colours and I find it so exciting to be able to create amazing tones and colour combinations in my clients' hair. When you walk away from my salon, I feel like you’re a piece of art work and I can’t wait to show you off! I believe colours influence our moods and personalities; it’s amazing how hair with a little pop of colour can improve our mental health. I take pride in building personable connections with my clients. I love spending our time together creating, talking, laughing, and sharing, occasionally mixed with some inappropriate conversations too!

I invite you to stop by and visit our salon in the heart of downtown. Diesel, our adorable shop dog, will greet you and melt your heart.”

Hair Around Chilliwack - Part 1


Hair Around Chilliwack - Part 1

We are doing a new feature here on Around Chilliwack: highlighting some of the great hair stylists and barbers in our city.

Meet Chris Franklin from Michael’s on Main

Part of why we love Chris is that she’s so generous and kind. We asked her to do a write up about her and her store; not once did she mention herself. She’s a treasure in our community.

Check out Part 2 here:

“Michael’s on Main hair & nail studio has been around a long time... 72 years now in the very same spot on Main Street... that’s A LOT of hair & nails being transformed! Not only are they happy to accept clients that may be new to town, or maybe someone is needing a change, a new look, a fresh set of eyes on the hair that doesn’t seem to want to do anything for them, but they also have some loyal clients who have been with Michael’s for over 50 years! It’s clear to see that each stylist loves what they do, whether it’s precision cuts, funky styles, men’s hair, corrective colour, straightening, foils, balayage, and yes, even perms are making a bit of a comeback! Their nail technician, Rose, has been perfecting her craft for over 30 years & she still loves to give advice & make everyone laugh to this day. Michael’s believes wholeheartedly in giving back to the community they serve so help support the Crystal Gala (raising money for the Crystal Gala Breast Health Unit at Abbotsford Regional Hospital that services the Fraser Valley); Chilliwack Community Cupboard (gives food, clothing, housewares, school supplies etc to families with school age children in need); Chilliwack Bowls of Hope (feeding children who may not have access to healthy food); Children’s Hospital; Chilliwack Hospice; Wilma’s Transition Society; Pearl Society; and Chilliwack Giants Youth Football to name a few. They’re award winning, including a Hairdresser of the Year, once upon a time! The team at Michael’s want to make everyone who walks through their door feel like they’ve dropped in for a great visit with people who care about them & happened to leave with some awesome hair or nails!”