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Downtown Chilliwack Community Market

From their FB Page:

“Join us every Sunday at the vibrant Downtown Chilliwack Community Market!

Every week, the Chilliwack Market is a bursting with local food, flavors, culture, and boundless community spirit, all set in the breathtaking Downtown Chilliwack - the traditional and unceded territory of the Stó:lō Peoples - Sqwá First Nation.

We are proud to be a certified BCAFM market, ensuring that every vendor showcases the very best that BC has to offer. From farm-fresh produce to hand-made wonders, every vendor brings their own products, passion and dedication to the Chilliwack Market - this is our guarantee.

To learn more about us, or check out our weekly vendor list, visit

So gather with your family and furry friends for a Sunday filled with discovery, camaraderie, and unwavering support for our local small BC based businesses – the visionary artisans and farmers who breathe life into our vibrant market and province.

Let's unite in celebration of our shared heritage and the boundless creativity that thrives in the heart of Chilliwack! We'll see you there, amidst the laughter, the aromas, and the magic that defines our beloved Chilliwack Market!”