Terry Brown in BC

Terry Brown in BC

Did you know that the BC Government has an education grant of $1200 for EVERY kid born in BC  in 2006 or later qualify once they turn six?

Terry Brown has brought it upon himself to get the message out there and has had 3 videos produced, along with a Facebook page to get the message noticed. He's hoping to show parents/guardians how easy it is to get a head start for their kids future education. Check out what he has to say below.

Page likes and shares are tremendously appreciated! This is a grassroots effort, and I hope the grant enrolment message gains steam and goes viral province wide. 89 days left until the first $1,200 BCTESG cutoff. Tell people, share, and let's make a difference!

Help Terry Brown get the message out there and share his info/videos and links!
Let's help our kids get ready for the future.