Around Chilliwack 1,000th Post Giveaway

Around Chilliwack 1,000th Post Giveaway

We’re celebrating our 1,000th post on Instagram and we reached out to the local business community for some help to put together an amazing prize package for one lucky winner! Enter below by commenting.

We have 21 different prizes with a total value of $1,500+ that we are giving away to celebrate our 1,000th post. One lucky winner will take ALL OF THESE PRIZES home with them:

Not pictured: Around Chilliwack blanket, Sugar’d GC, West Digest Print and Tutti GC.

Not pictured: Around Chilliwack blanket, Sugar’d GC, West Digest Print and Tutti GC.

Leave a comment below.

Contest runs Saturday August 21 until Friday August 27th at 5pm PST.
Winner will be randomly selected on Saturday August 28th at 12pm PST and announced on this post and on our social media channels on Facebook and Instagram.
Winner must pick-up prize at designated location TBD.

Download the official rules here.

Comments are closed.
Winner to be announced 12pm August 28th.
Email only used to contact winner.