RE- ELECT Jason Lum, Chilliwack City Councillor
/RE- ELECT Jason Lum, Chilliwack City Councillor
We are excited for this upcoming municipal election. Nothing impacts voters more than the decisions made on the municipal level from your school trustees, city council and city mayor.
On October 20th be sure to use your democratic right and VOTE! It makes a difference!!! Get to know who is running in all positions and get yourself to the voters booth.
Around Chilliwack is proud to stand next to Jason Lum in his run for re-election. Having worked closely with him for the last number of years, we’ve seen not only the knowledge and impact Jason has on our city, but also his heart in the works he does.
Below you can see Jason speak for himself and we proudly stand beside him.
RE- ELECT Chris Kloot, Chilliwack City Councillor
/RE- ELECT Chris Kloot, Chilliwack City Councillor
We are excited for this upcoming municipal election. Nothing impacts voters more than the decisions made on the municipal level from your school trustees, city council and city mayor.
On October 20th be sure to use your democratic right and VOTE! It makes a difference!!! Get to know who is running in all positions and get yourself to the voters booth.
Around Chilliwack is proud to stand next to Chris Kloot in his run for re-election. He has a passion and drive to continue the work he started in his first term. He’s asking for your vote so he can keep going and helping make Chilliwack even better.
Below you can see Chris speak for himself and we proudly stand beside him.
Five Featured Photographers - Jeffrey Nordstrom
/Check out the 4 other Five Featured Photographers:
Darren McDonald
#4 of Five Featured Photographers - Darren McDonald
Salt Studios
#3 of Five Featured Photographers - Salt Studios
Nicole Danielle
#2 of Five Featured Photographers - Details by Nicole Danielle
Sarah Sovereign
#1 of Five Featured Photographers - Sarah Sovereign
Five Featured Photographers - Chilliwack Photographers
Who are you and where can people find you?
Most of the time, I’m an English teacher; for the rest of the time, I’m a musician and photographer in Agassiz. People can find me at one of my various jeffnords social media pages (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr), or at my website and blog at or
Why do you take photos?
I’ve been attracted to photography since age 10 when I joined a 4-H photography club in Victoria. Although I moved over to digital for a few years, I mainly use film today. I like to capture moments and scenes that appear timeless, that don’t give many hints to the fact they were captured in the digital, post-Internet era. I guess I like to create nostalgia where it never appeared before. It’s a sort of trickery—a personal challenge to make people wonder as to a photo’s era.
On my own time, I enjoy taking chances on expired film that I find in thrift shops and elsewhere. My colourblindness makes me hesitant to edit with Photoshop; I appreciate that film can deal with most of the colours while I focus on brightness, contrast, and framing. I enjoy the serendipity of lomography, of capturing casual moments between friends.
I believe it is important to make sure people find their way onto film and print. Tangibility is essential to memory. Great photos should be held in one’s hands, not merely stored on a hard drive.
What's your favourite lens?
Tough call. I usually carry three or so different cameras at a time: a rangefinder, a point-and-shoot, and an SLR. And I have multiple options for each of those, depending on the circumstances.
For traditional 35mm SLRs, I’ve been enjoying the Sun Zoom 1:35-4.5 28-80mm lens mounted to my Pentax K1000. It’s not a rare, “fast,” or valuable lens, but I like its focus and natural vignette. It’s been a kind, go-to lens for me for both scenery and portraiture.
I’ve also fallen in love with the lens on the Konica S2 Auto. I haven’t found many rangefinder lenses that match the energy it seems to bring to almost every shot it captures.
In medium format, I’ve recently picked up a Kowa Six with a 1:28/85 lens. I’m still learning its ins and outs, but I love everything it does so far. I’ve always had an affinity for medium format, ever since I first developed a roll with my old Brownie cameras in the late 1980s. I look forward to taking medium format to the next level; I also look forward to not having to re-wrap all of my 120 film onto 620 cartridges.
What is your favourite type of shoot?
Admittedly I’ve only hired myself out a couple times, but I enjoy working with people who want to keep things natural, who, like me, don’t mind taking chances on casual photos. I prefer to keep a low profile and steal photos here and there; I want the relationship between the lens and the film to lead the way.
One photo you've taken that still speaks to you?
Apart from family photos and photos I took 20 years ago, there’s one that stands out to me: last March, on the first warm, sunny Saturday of the year, I loaded some Kodak Gold 200 into the Konica S2 and ventured with a friend beneath the Agassiz-Rosedale Bridge. It was my first time under the bridge, the sun was setting, and the Fraser River ran smooth over the rocks. As the sun shone directly onto the graffiti, a small plane turned towards Seabird Island. Somehow I caught the moment, just as the airplane’s reflection appeared on the river. This moment stands out to me as something really special, as a moment that I can carry with me for the rest of my life. It’s not framed classically, but I find it beautiful. I take a lot of pride in that photo because it feels real, even when I hold it in my hands.
Follow Jeffrey on Instagram:
Follow Jeffrey on Instagram:
Five Featured Photographers - Darren McDonald
/Check out the 4 other Five Featured Photographers:
Jeffrey Nordstrom
#5 of Five Featured Photographers - Jeffrey Nordstrom
Salt Studios
#3 of Five Featured Photographers - Salt Studios
Nicole Danielle
#2 of Five Featured Photographers - Details by Nicole Danielle
Sarah Sovereign
#1 of Five Featured Photographers - Sarah Sovereign
Five Featured Photographers - Chilliwack Photographers
Who are you and where can people find you?
Maybe someone who’s taken photos professionally for 18 years and had a bucket of great experiences because of it but didn’t graduate journalism school because I’m short a photography course.
Find me? Wherever quality beers are sold. I dropped my business and website but post a bit on Instagram: @unkied . Started it so my nephews could see their cousins. Basically a rare-wedding-shooting, concert-going, sometimes-beer-making fathographer with a great job at the University of the Fraser Valley.
Why do you take photos?
I suppose it’s a chance to help convey connections people have that sometimes they don’t know they’re having. Freeze time. Maybe be a part of what’s happening? Help people leave something behind that shows who they were, how they lived, and maybe how they loved each other.
I’ve been lucky to shoot a bunch of major events, worked in a Kootenay photo studio and had my own wedding business. In the early days I developed my film and prints, bought photography magazines to study pictures to try figuring out light and gear and atmosphere and slowly developed my own style of putting them together, usually candidly. Pretty sure at one point I picked The Bookman’s entire photography section clean.
I don’t know what I’m doing, but I try doing it well.
Plus I got to shoot the Sollid-Johnson and Banger-Harder weddings and one of those couples is still together.
What's your favourite lens?
My Nikon 50mm 1.4 travelled with me from Delhi’s night market to Chicago’s Billy Goat Tavern, but I’ve been using a pretty uncommon Nikon 105mm 1.4 regularly for a year-ish, too.
I mostly shoot with a Nikon D850 body now. My parents loaned me a Pentax K1000 in college, the same camera I dropped in a river as a preschooler. They bought me my first modern film camera, a Nikon F60. I’ve used about a dozen bodies since.
What is your favourite type of shoot?
One where we’re having a good time with a little light that sings. I’ve connected with everyone from athletes to brides to politicians to street kids to half-in-the-bag bar strangers because once you find that groove, the photos kind of take care of themselves. I love concert and sports photography because it’s all on the fly. There’ve been heavy shoots from my newspaper days, from the empty shoe at a fatal accident to a man crying moments after identifying his dead relative on the banks of the Vedder canal to a hand under the tarp after a deadly helicopter crash in the middle of town to the ceremony for Abbotsford Police Const. John Davidson.
Those hard-news shoots can be difficult but the same principles apply and they help you appreciate the joyous ones.
One photo you've taken that still speaks to you?
Corny as it sounds all the photos I’ve taken speak to me because I pressed that shutter for a reason.
A few are special, like my diapered daughter arching backwards on my parent’s footstool, shot on film. A candid photo with natural light and a genuine connection. I guess that’s what I’m always after. And the perfect bride photo.
For whatever reason, this picture of a small boy wearing a wrestling shirt in a dusty open-air mechanic’s lot after our car hit his somewhere in the Punjab resonates with me. After a tense negotiation between my friend and fixer Amar and the driver of an SUV with an apparent pro-terrorist sticker on the back, I asked without speaking the language to photograph the boy. They agreed, and just as I crouched the old man behind him reached down to straighten the boy’s head. That was the photo and I’ll never forget it.
I like to juxtapose it with an image of my straight-faced son pulling off his best Batman in our bathroom. Kids are kids, people are people. I’m just trying to take their picture.
Instagram: @unkied
Five Featured Photographers - Salt Studios
/Check out the 4 other Five Featured Photographers:
Jeffrey Nordstrom
#5 of Five Featured Photographers - Jeffrey Nordstrom
Darren McDonald
#4 of Five Featured Photographers - Darren McDonald
Nicole Danielle
#2 of Five Featured Photographers - Details by Nicole Danielle
Sarah Sovereign
#1 of Five Featured Photographers - Sarah Sovereign
Five Featured Photographers - Chilliwack Photographers
Who are you and where can people find you?
Hi Chilliwack! My name is Danielle Henderson and I am the Photographer and Creative Director behind Salt Studios & Salt Kids.
If you are interested in seeing my work you can find me on instagram at & and collective efforts of the two at
I am blessed to be the wife of an amazing firefighter as well as the mother of extremely precious identical twin girls. When I am not working I am usually out with this crew doing something fun and adventurous.
Why do you take photos?
I actually never really thought of myself as a creative person. I think that I like fashion and art because it has no boundaries. You can just like what you like. Photography has allowed me to use inspiration from everyday things to create work that is visually interesting and different.
What's your favourite lens?
I don’t have a favourite lens as each session requires something different but if I had to choose it would be my 35mm.
What is your favourite type of shoot?
Currently Kids editorial. Kids generally have zero inhibitions which allows for fun real emotions!
One photo you've taken that still speaks to you?
I don’t have a particular image that has spoken to me above all the rest. I have done everything from extremely creative large group themed sessions to simple studio work. I generally think a bit outside of the box which has created some interesting final images. Salt Kids will be looking to freelance for local kids clothing companies this fall. With that, I will be focusing on kids for the foreseeable future but have made time to feature a few fantastic local business owners. Some of the best products and business’s around come from local entrepreneurs. Seems like a sweet deal for us! If you can please go out and support these fantastic hardworking people. They are amazing. #supportlocal
Salt Studios Chilliwack - Vancouver Fraser Valley Photography
Instagram: &
Five Featured Photographers - Details by Nicole Danielle
/Check out the 4 other Five Featured Photographers:
Jeffrey Nordstrom
#5 of Five Featured Photographers - Jeffrey Nordstrom
Darren McDonald
#4 of Five Featured Photographers - Darren McDonald
Salt Studios
#3 of Five Featured Photographers - Salt Studios
Sarah Sovereign
#1 of Five Featured Photographers - Sarah Sovereign
Five Featured Photographers - Chilliwack Photographers
Nicole Danielle by Sarah Sovereign
Who are you and where can people find you?
Hi! I'm Nicole of Details by Nicole Danielle, and I'm a Fraser Valley photographer. Peoples can find me on IG @detailsbynicoledanielle, on FB or at my website
I'm a doer who likes to do! Unless I am tired, then I am a sleeper who likes to sleep. In my 9-5 I work in Marketing & Communications, and I love a good creative project - but I also really love making lists. I adore my family and friends, my dog Mabel-Jupiter, carbohydrates, and signing at the very top of my lungs.
Why do you take photos?
It's interesting...I got my first mid-level hobbyist camera many years ago. I just wanted to take rad looking pictures and that was it - not surprisingly, my interest didn't last long and I didn't pick a camera back up for years. But then as time went on I felt this tug to try to see life (my own and others) and try to explain it...the last few years I had a renewed desire to pick up a camera again. But my focus was different; I wanted to share my own and others experiences - the truth, including the good and the hard. So I sort of quietly started reading books and taking online tutorials, doing classes, was wildly lucky to be connected with a jedi-master mentor, upgraded to full-frame and kept learning. And then I took the leap to letting the world know I was doing this and have been blessed to be able to take photos of people!
I didn't think about it much then, but when I look back - honestly it was during a time when I was struggling with some serious health issues and wanted to do something that could share what I was going through and feeling, but I could still have control over. And that has sort of evolved into my process. Photography is a way to express myself while helping to tell other people's stories and truths; either through the images themselves or sometimes the creative process behind the image. Either way I think I sneak a little piece of myself into each photo I take - and hope they look a little bit rad lol.
What's your favourite lens?
I am one with my 50mm - I love getting up in peoples faces with it. I do also like my 35mm and will switch to it for a few shots every session but my heart belongs to my good old trustworthy 50. I don't use my zooms at all the way. I want an 85mm next I think.
What is your favourite type of shoot?
It's hard to say...I definitely do have a soft spot for collaborations. I like the energy of all these creatives coming together with their different ideas and working out how to tie all the visions together to make this beautiful cohesive thing. But, I also really love sitting in my friend's backyards with their kids, catching those real life moments - all the laughs and sunshine and ice cream running down hands. I just want to share life.
One photo you've taken that still speaks to you?
Hard to choose just one...One project and series of photos that I have a soft spot for is "The Homestead". I took photos of my best friend's daughter at a hobby farm in Greendale, sort of hearkening a modern day Little House on the Prairie (which her and her mom love). I think it was interesting because it was the first time I felt free to do absolutely whatever I felt. An 8 year old has no preconceived notions of what a "creative" shoot should be, or if I didn't feel confident, or if she should smile or carry herself a certain way...she was just having a fun day at a farm with her Mom and Auntie.
And I think that because of this, I ended up getting some of the most honest images I will ever get - the connection, the trust, the story was so sincere. My favourite image from the series was published ("The Homestead - Hope" in Stubborn Mag), and it's just a constant reminder for me that my best work seems to happen when I am coming from a place not of "what should I do because others are doing or telling me to" but of sincerity, and by trusting and connecting with the subject on a personal level.
I've also taken some images of my friend and their families, and my family that I rather love - it's cliche but it's true to cherish those ones!
Images Credits/Info
1) My pretty friend
2) Model Lacey Cebula, collaboration with The Jubilee Collection
3) "The Homestead - Sincerity" 2018
4) Sister Sunflower
5) Model Jalen Saip, collaboration with De la Flore
Details by Nicole Danielle
Instagram: @detailsbynicoledanielle
Wine Wednesday with The 2 Kennedy Sisters // Gettin' Saucy & Whispering Horse Winery
/CONTEST ALERT! See below!!!
Wine Wednesday with The 2 Kennedy Sisters // Gettin' Saucy & Whispering Horse Winery
Tell us 'Hospital' or 'Airport'? And why? (Watch the video, it'll make sense)
And you can win a private wine tasting for 2 at Whispering Horse Winery!!!*
Go to our Facebook Page to answer - CLICK HERE
*Must be of legal drinking age. ID will be required.
*Subject to availability.
*Appointment to be made with Whispering Horse Winery Staff.
Winner will be chosen on August 29th.
A very special Wine Wednesday with The 2 Kennedy Sisters // Gettin' Saucy and Whispering Horse Winery as they taste the Pinot Gris Rose for the first time!
Whispering Horse Winery located in Chilliwack, BC
Chilliwack Youth Health Centre Fundraiser Run Event
/Chilliwack Youth Health Centre Fundraiser Run Event
(Check out the video below)
If you're looking for something to do this weekend the Chilliwack Youth Health Centre is hosting a Fun Run on Saturday, August 11th at 10 am. The run will take place at the Chilliwack Senior Secondary School Track at 46363 Yale Road.
The Chilliwack Youth Health Centre provides free drop-in counseling and medical services to youth aged 12-26.
The event is open to all ages with a 1k for Children and a 5k Run/Walk open to all ages.
Sign up on the Running Room website by searching "Chilliwack Youth Health Centre Fundraiser Run" or using the URL
Use the coupon code SAVE20 to take $20 off your registration, making an adult registration $25 and child/youth registration $5 which will include a lunch.
They will have lots of activities for the family including a bouncy castle, face painting, and slime making. Some exciting prizes will be given away to participants including a 2-night stay at Harrison!
Feel free to stop by or participate in the event without registering to support the event and hear more about the Chilliwack Youth Health Centre.
Five Featured Photographers - Sarah Sovereign
/Check out the 4 other Five Featured Photographers:
Jeffrey Nordstrom
#5 of Five Featured Photographers - Jeffrey Nordstrom
Darren McDonald
#4 of Five Featured Photographers - Darren McDonald
Salt Studios
#3 of Five Featured Photographers - Salt Studios
Nicole Danielle
#2 of Five Featured Photographers - Details by Nicole Danielle
Five Featured Photographers - Chilliwack Photographers
Over the next coming weeks we will be featuring five local photographers who are putting out some amazing work. We asked them 5 questions and for their top 5 favourite photos taken, to find out what lies behind their passion.
Our first of the Five Featured Photographers is Sarah Sovereign:
Who are you and where can people find you?
My name is Sarah Sovereign and people can find me on instagram @sarahsovereign, Facebook at and - I've been a photographer in the valley for years doing family & beauty photography, as well as all the weird & wonderful creative art stuff that I love to do. I'm also a recent Masters in Counselling grad, so I'm working on finding ways to use my love of counselling, storytelling, and working with people to create safe and supported spaces for people to share their stories.
Why do you take photos?
A lot of the time I feel like I fell into photography accidentally, but when I look back I can see a really noticeable thread - I wanted to capture spaces and people, I wanted to preserve stories - even really difficult ones. I began to take photographs to make sense of my place and experience in the world. There is so much that we can learn about ourselves from the stories we carry with us, and I'm continually floored by the ways I've been able to work with my own experiences, finding ways to share them with others through visual medium. Being able to tell stories with imagery is so powerful - it's like tapping into an entire other mode of communication and connection - sometimes words are just not enough. In my role as a photographer I've been able to connect to so many people - there's a really beautiful collaborative aspect to working and photographing people, and I think that's what brings me back to photography over and over again, too, no matter who I'm working with.
What’s your favourite lens?
Right now I'm really loving my 50mm - It's just so versatile. I go through phases though - my top 3 would probably be my 50, 35, and 85.
What is your favourite type of shoot?
If I were to look through my portfolio - it's probably work that's colourful, vibrant, and full of story, connection + meaning - I love beauty portraits, family portraits that really highlight personality and interaction, and I love working with local businesses/artists. Honestly I could work with artists all day long - I did a pottery video a few months back with Three Corners Artisan and I could have filmed her working on the wheel for hours - it's just so cool to work with people who are passionate about what they do. I think I just really love maker's stories, because so many people put so much heart into the things they do and it really reflects in the products and services they sell.
One photo you’ve taken that still speaks to you?
I could write a novel on this! One that comes to mind is "Mindfulness" from 2016, with amazing local artist Ashley Nicole Lord. The morning was really foggy and Ashley went into Cultus Lake- although I ended up mirroring the image in Photoshop, the water was still incredibly still, and she was surrounded by this thick mist all around. Just photographing it - the entire scene was so special, and I think we all knew we were shooting something magical. It was a time in my life where I was looking at finishing up my schooling, starting my internship and thesis, and just feeling in a place of daunting transition. I realized I wanted to reconnect back with myself, and just spend some time being present to myself, the space I was in, and the work I was creating - it's an image I still really love, and it was published on the cover of UFV's magazine "Louden Singletree" that year. I also really love my series with Sinead Julia Penner, a conceptual creative series that told the story of her journey with cancer, shooting narrative images from before she started treatment, to after her treatment was completed - we spent so much time working with Siobhan (Shiverz Designs) on different aspects of that series, and shot it over the course of a year - it was such a labour of love and healing for all of us I think.
1. "Mindfulness" 2016 Model Ashley Nicole Lord
2. "My Sister's Keeper", 2015, Sinead and Sydney Penner, bed and florals by Shiverz Designs
3. An awesome bunch of kiddos
4. Model Ashley Elizabeth, Mask by Shiverz Designs
5. Model Autumn Mastin, on a collab with Blossom with Quik Pik, Emmy Edwards, and Matthew Hawkins!
Sarah Sovereign Photography
Instagram: @sarahsovereign
Chilliwack Fair 2018 - What's Going On In Chilliwack
/Chilliwack Fair 2018
The Chilliwack Fair is coming up on August 10-12 and it's going to be great.
From the petting zoo, face painting, the BCRA sanctioned rodeo, live entertainment on the MainStage with Matt Johnson the Magician, the Hip Show and MORE!
Happening August 10-12 at the Heritage Park grounds with parking open off Luckakuck AND Lickman Road (map below).
Stay up to date with day to day activities on their Facebook page:
From their website: "In 1873, the non-profit Chilliwack and District Agricultural Society incorporated and began producing the Chilliwack Exhibition and Fair. The Fair has run continuously since then and is the second-oldest fair in British Columbia."
Check out their website:
What To Drink Around Chilliwack - Summer Cocktails
/What To Drink Around Chilliwack - Summer Cocktails
The hot weather is coming back and what better way to pair it than with your favourite cocktail!
We want to know, what's your favourite summer cocktail AND where do you love to get it in Chilliwack?!
Is there a place that makes the best Mojito; Margarita; Moscow Mule; Caesar... or whatever your drink is?!
And where do you love to get it? Is there a bartender in town that makes it better than anybody else?
WE WANT TO KNOW! Share a pic of your drink on Instagram with #aroundchilliwack #aroundcocktail and let us know.
Come back later and see what people have to say about their favourite drinks and water holes.
Fortins Village Classic Car Show 2018 with John Martin, Chilliwack MLA
/It was another great day in downtown Chilliwack.
Did you get out there and enjoy it?
Fortins Village Classic Car Show 2018 with John Martin, Chilliwack MLA
Canada Day Chilliwack 2018 at Townsend Park - Around Chilliwack
/Canada Day Chilliwack 2018 at Townsend Park
Just around the corner is the biggest annual celebration in town what activities are you most excited for?!
Be sure to check out the schedule of events for the day!
Daytime Stage Line-up:
11:00 am Welcome
11:15 am Star Warriors in Fairytale Land - Ever After Princess Party Events
12:05 pm The Maybelles (Live Music)
1:00 pm Fraser Valley Rhythmic Gymnastics
1:25 pm Fiddlers (Live Music)
2:00 pm The Lonesome Town Painters (Live Music)
3:00 pm Pirates & Princesses - Ever After Princess Party Events
3:45 pm Persian Storytelling Dance
Daytime Features (11:00 am - 4:00 pm):
- 8:00 am Kiwanis Pancake Breakfast at Evergreen Hall
- Bouncy Castles, Face Painting, Balloon Twisting
- Vendor + Community Group Booths
- Food Trucks + Live Music
- Chilliwack Beer Garden #ChwkBeerGarden
- Beer & Wine Tastings
- Ever After Princess Party Events - Stage Emcees
- Yellow Bird Birth Doulas Mom's Lounge
- Chilliwack Fair Goats
- Axe Throwing
- Prizes & Free Stuff
- Canada Day Selfie Station
Evening Stage Line-up - Sponsored by Molson Coors Fraser Valley Brewery - Chilliwack:
5:00 pm Welcoming Ceremonies & O Canada
5:35 pm Damian Marshall
7:20 pm Ryan McAllister
8:15 pm The Lounge Hounds
9:15 pm John Welsh & Los Valientes
10:00 pm Grande Finale Fireworks + Tune into STAR 98.3 for the fireworks music
Evening Features (5:00 pm - 10:30 pm):
- Face Painting
- Food Trucks
- Live Music
- Prizes & Free Stuff
- Cliff Prang - Actor, Comedian & Talker Guy - Stage Emcee
- Canada Day Selfie Station
- Chilliwack Beer Garden #ChwkBeerGarden
- Beer & Wine Tastings
- Fireworks
*Please note that the site map and activities may be subject to change without notice. Drink responsibly, do not drink and drive. Fireworks are not pet friendly, for your pets safety please leave them at home. Handicapped parking is available in the designated areas, vehicles parked in service or emergency vehicle space will be towed at the owner's expense. General parking is available at no charge at Prospera Centre and at the far baseball field*
Fortins Village Classic Car Show 2018 Preview - Around Chilliwack
/Fortins Village Classic Car Show 2018 Preview
Trevor McDonald shares the details of this upcoming great event. No excuse to not get out there and enjoy it. It's free, it's fun and the weather looks to be awesome. Get out there Chilliwack! Special thanks to Downtown Chilliwack BIA for putting this on!!!
Hockey Canada Ambassador: Andrea Laycock
/What better way to top off our Chilliwack Chiefs winning the RBC Cup, than having one of our fantastic citizens in Chilliwack be recognized as an ambassador for Hockey Canada.
Congratulations to Andrea Laycock! Well deserved.
Hockey Canada on Facebook
"From multiple roles with the Chilliwack Chiefs, to her executive positions with the Chilliwack Minor Hockey Association and Chilliwack FC, Andrea Laycock is everywhere in the Fraser Valley."
Fortins Village Classic Car Show June 24
/Fortins Village Classic Car Show June 24
One of the hottest events of the summer in Chilliwack is the incredible Fortin's Village Classic Car Show, returning to the streets of downtown Chilliwack once again June 24, 2018!
We are featuring a ton of amazing classic cars, and new this year, classic trailers! Come check out this fun event for the whole family.
The Food Fair will once again be serving up the great tastes of local restaurants and specialty food trucks.
Check out special displays and other features from sponsors and local vendors.
More info:
Check out a recap video from last year:
Feather & Rose Support Bags Event June 3rd - Location Change
/Feather & Rose Support Bags Event
Check out this Feather & Rose Support Bags Event!
Please Note: Location is Corky's Irish Pub
Live Music, Awesome Food & Drinks, and an INCREDIBLE Silent Auction!
THIS SUNDAY afternoon at Corky's Irish Pub! There are So Many things to WIN!
Sunday June 3rd from 12pm-2:30pm
Come! Come! It'll be FUN!
More info here:
Chilliwack Blueberries May 25th Sale
/Friday May 25th stock your freezer with frozen Chilliwack Blueberries.
Frozen local blueberries for only $3.00 per pound!
Our Farm Store is located at 51211 Chilliwack Central Road, open between 10 am - 5 pm.
You can check the map out below.
Klaassen Farms is a locally owned family farm located at 51211 Chilliwack Central Road. From frozen to fresh at Chilliwack blueberries we hope that you will love our berries as much as we do. Visit us online at for recipes and pick-up locations.
Terry Brown in BC
/Terry Brown in BC
Did you know that the BC Government has an education grant of $1200 for EVERY kid born in BC in 2006 or later qualify once they turn six?
Terry Brown has brought it upon himself to get the message out there and has had 3 videos produced, along with a Facebook page to get the message noticed. He's hoping to show parents/guardians how easy it is to get a head start for their kids future education. Check out what he has to say below.
Page likes and shares are tremendously appreciated! This is a grassroots effort, and I hope the grant enrolment message gains steam and goes viral province wide. 89 days left until the first $1,200 BCTESG cutoff. Tell people, share, and let's make a difference!